Wednesday, 4 May 2016

I Am Ready To Re Open

Sorry for the lack of blog posts in the last few weeks, it's not like me not to post a little news but things have been fraught, with building works, sourcing items for the shop, whilst trying to work from the kitchen table. Also family life has been confined to the kitchen only, it will be great to regain some space and have a beautiful new shop and workroom to operate from. I really can not wait and just in time for all the summer weddings.

So I now need friendly faces to visit on Sat 14th May, anytime between 10am and 5pm when I shall be serving pimms and fresh pink lemonade to get you in the celebratory mood and you will be able to have a good look around the new look shop and workroom. You're in for a surprise ! There's a little teasing picture to give you a little taster of the new interior.

It's very exciting now it's almost ready but the journey to get here has been nothing short of mammoth.

Chrisse x
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