Saturday, 19 April 2014

Happy Easter

Easter weekend and I hope this lovely sunshine will continue. Early in the week I was in Helmsley in North Yorkshire and the weather was beautiful. I took a few pictures of inspiring spots and the light was paticularly pretty.
Hat making continues with some interesting bespoke pieces and lots of everyday cotton hats. This lunchtime the postman arrived with a few roll up Panama hats in various shades and they are all gorgeous. Pop in soon  if you fancy one they sell very quickly.  Happy Easter.


Friday, 4 April 2014

On Ya Bike!

'A boy a girl and a bike' A classic tale of boy meets girl set in a northern mill town, the girls belonged to a cycling club, the boy 'a posh bloke' knocked one of them off their bike and a romance blossomed.
Shot in 1949 around Huddersfield staring Dorris Day and Honor Blackman this old movie seemed a perfect title to style our own version for a photo shoot especially with the Tour de France passing through town this summer.

So together with a talented team of people, Debbi the owner of  Hair salon Zeitgeist and myself produced the necessary goods for the occasion. She cut and styled hair and boy can she cut hair, I took care of the head wear and Rachel Lucie made some perfect jewellery .
Hebden Bridge has plenty of opportunities for photographic backdrops but of course getting a great picture requires a little magic. This of course came from the talented lens of Shelly Mantovani of Toast Photography
who quite frankly never seems to take anything other than brilliant shots.
There are lots more photographs which I will pop on the blog soon.
Looks great doesn't it.!

Models  Eve, Jake and Florance.
Make up Aimee
Jewellery Rachel Lucie
Clothes Amelia and Dynamite 35 Market Street Hebden Bridge
Karen Mills  Finder of props and all round help.

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