Monday, 17 May 2010

Summer Straw Boaters

Summer is not far away!! we hope, so across the country there will be lots of little girls popping on their summer school hats.These are off to Chepstow House School in London.
I have been busy sewing ribbon on to 30/40 hats last week, then I will be making cherry red wool berets ready for Sept.You can spot them here.
Lots of sewing but don't they look great.
However I bet they use them like Frisbee's.!!!
Bless them.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Topping the style stakes with a mini top hat

My lovely mini top hat block creates a terrific shape. Measuring 16cm across the top of the crown it's big enough to be a hat rather than a fascinator.
This one in black straw has a single quill, merry widow veiling and is trimmed in black silk.
Fun, shapely and just a little daring, perfect for head turning glances.
Now ready for popping into it's little red box and then off to the races tomorrow.
Lets hope my client has picked a winner.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Wedding hats required

Invitations to weddings seem to be dropping through peoples letter boxes at an alarming rate at the moment,some people are getting them in threes.!
What to wear,what to buy, should I wear this twice.?
Hats however are definitely on the list of 'to wear' so with lots on the go at the moment here is one for the lady who drops into the shop for something to go with a black and or pink dress for this Saturday if possible .....sorry I know it's a bit short notice.!!!
Which is when I say 'would this do the trick'.?
There's more in the workroom under construction, you never know I might just get an invite myself.
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