Friday, 17 June 2016

Emma & Jobi's Wedding

Emma came to look for her wedding headdress whilst my shop was waiting to be renovated after the Boxing day floods.
So that nothing should happen to her vintage gown I laid towels down on the floor and she stood in front of the mirror trying on different styles.
As my stock was being stored on several levels of my house she waited whilst I found my vintage petersham ribbons and made her an example of something I felt would be the perfect partner for her gown.
Her dress was incredible, floor length, beaded and fringed. The dress was still in perfect condition as was the label, in fact it looked as though it had just been taken out of it's tissue for the first time.
All she knew was that it had been made in the U.S.A. possibly early 1960's.
However finding a headpiece that worked with it was tricky, but once I suggested the rich nutmeg Emma knew straight away it was what she wanted.
Emma and Jobi were married just a few weeks ago and here are a few images of their special day.
Fab isnt it?

All images curtesy of ;


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