Sunday, 10 January 2016

Hebden Bridge Floods

So when I left the shop to go to friends on Christmas eve it was raining hard as it had been for days.
The river was running fast and full but little did we expect that the river would rise as high as it did and the the whole town would flood to record levels.
My shop was no exception, not as high as the centre of Market Street as I am on a slight incline, but now we all face the lack of business and footfall as the town tries to rally itself back together.

If you would like to see some of the photographs you could go to Hebden Bridge Web
There you will see a photograph of the Co Op supermarket, my shop is just a little way back.
I have now turned my workroom into a little shop and my interns and myself will work upstairs creating our new designs and orders, so just press the door bell and we will pop down to let you in. The kettles always on and we make great fresh coffee !

Life throws many challenges and this is one which needs support from the greater community.
So if you are a lover of Hebden do visit the shops and cafes that have managed to re open and spread the word that it's a good time to come.

Anyway from here on in it's upward and forward in anyway I can. Many shops have now had crowd funding pages set up for them by friends desperate to help.
I'm no exception. My lovely friend  Rache Lucie Designer /Maker  who creates beautiful jewellery has done one for Hat Therapy.
At first I felt uncomfortable and wasn't sure about asking for pledges, but I have to put that to one side. I am wanting to help others in anyway I can, so with all £50 pledges I will make a hat for charity auction of your choice or give a Millinery Talk to raise money for your charity, as I have many times. For £100 pledges you may come and spend the day in my millinery workrom learning a little millinery, which could also be auctioned.

So please spread the word about the shop for me and if you are coming to visit remember that you need to come to my back door around the corner from my neighbour Snug Gallery.
I have signs to help you find me.

On a lighter note, notice my new four legged apprentice. Meet Pip my daughter's new resue dog.
A 17 month old Westie, she's keeping us busy and is also a little joy.
Happy New Year
Got to keep cheerful.
Chrissie xx


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