Tuesday, 16 April 2013

A Town Hall Affair



Whilst having my hair cut a few weeks ago I asked Debbi owner of Zeitgeist if she would be interested in a photo shoot I was thinking of putting together. So we sorted out a few details, which day, times, models etc. I then asked Shelly from Toast Photography if she was free to come over to Hebden Bridge to shoot it for me, and she was.!
 The tweed suit and jacket were kindly loaned by Libertyfreedom  urban tweed is one way of describing their fab gear. Debbi cut Kim's hair, with incredible precision and Danielle had her red hair pinned up into a great shape. All the jewellery was hand made by my pal local jewellery designer Rachel Lucie and the models had their make up expertly applied by Alison Clegg who came over from York for the morning.
I should add that I made the head wear.!
Holly my right hand girl helped me with just about everything including getting everyones lunch.She also made the heart quill you see in the picture taken by the tiled wall in the town hall stairwell.
The Town Hall is a wonderful spot for any shoot, lots of dark wood and huge windows, ours took on a real Mad Men look don't you think.?
I could wax lyrical about the shoot but I think it's better to let the pictures speak for themselves.
Cheers Shelly not sure if Patch the dog [on loan] stole the show.!



  1. Beautiful! You are so talented and clearly also have a lot of wonderfully talented friends as well. Congrats on a great photo shoot.


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